thorn cove abode main room fireplace

Carolina Cottage Demo: Kitchen and Bathroom

February 22, 2023

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cottage home demo
Demo has begun on the Cottage!

The Carolina Cottage Demo is in full swing! {She’s officially been named thanks to all of you!} I clearly didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but here we are. As I mentioned in last week’s blog, the home was built in 1940 and has passed through several owners who all apparently did a variety of updates. While it has been such hard work {my arms are like jello}, we have found some amazing treasures along the way. But, we’ve also encountered a lot of rot and just gross things {looking at you kitchen and bathroom}.

I was so hopeful the fireplace would have stood the test of time being brick and all, but it had so much wood rot around it. I had to remove the bricks used to cover the original opening. {Thankfully, I was able to salvage a ton of brick to replace that ugly cover up! It’s the same schoolhouse brick we hauled to our Beaufort property.}

Cottage Home Demo in progress
Exposed Walls and Brick

Peeling Back the Carolina Cottage Layers

Right after I bought the home I brought my kids to see it and their reactions cracked us up. They for sure think we’ve lost our minds. We’ve pulled up so much flooring, several layers of walls in some rooms and even pulled down an entire exterior wall this week. I figured we would find some unexpected “treasures” along the way and boy, was I right!

Peeling back the layers to reveal what’s behind the walls might be my favorite thing I’ve ever done. Once we started peeling, we realized there were at least three layers: faux wood panel, some sort of wall covering with wallpaper trim AND tar paper. I finally caved and bought this wallpaper steamer which made a huge difference.

It’s been A LOT of hard work and a definite team effort, but we’ve had fun along the way too. I would be so lost without my Daddy and MIL! We’ve even pulled down ceiling tiles and he is refusing to put a mask onWho knows what is floating around in this house after 83 years (put your dang mask on Dad)! 

Kitchen and Bathroom Demo

Even though this house isn’t very big by today’s standards, we knew the kitchen and bathroom demo would be doozies. I’m thankful there is only one bathroom at this point as I am not sure I could handle more than that. The state of the house when we bought it was bad {clearly}, but I didn’t realize just how bad.

The ceilings in a couple rooms were basically coming down on us and the bathroom floor almost sunk in on itself when we started the demo. Once we started pulling and tearing we found so much rot behind walls and under floors. We ended up gutting the bathroom down to it’s bones and will just started from scratch there. {Yep, that’s Mark standing in the gutted bathroom.}

For the kitchen, I knew almost immediately it would get relocated to what the last owners were using as a dining room. The dining room was more than double the size of what they were using as their kitchen. It honestly wasn’t much larger than the bathroom. However, we didn’t realize how much rot was in the rear exterior wall were that original kitchen placement was. Mark’s Uncle ended up just pulling the whole thing off! I still can’t believe that happened.

Cottage Character

This little Cottage Home Demo feels like it is not so little anymore, but I know it will be worth it. While the home needs major TLC, it still has so much beautiful character to it. From the curved entryway to the original glass door knobs, to the wonderfully intact tongue and groove walls I have found under all the layers. I know she is going to be quite the stunner when we are done. While I have never been more exhausted in my life, I’m not sure if I’ve ever been more excited. Am I crazy? {Don’t answer that.}

Stay tuned for next week’s updates as the demo starts to slow down and we can begin the fun parts! Also, don’t you love the name?? Thank you all so much for submitting ideas and voting on your favorite one!

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  1. Amy collson says:

    Love watching you make it beautiful

  2. Destinee Burnside says:

    I am so excited to watch this little cottage come to life!

  3. Shireen Dean says:

    I’m excited to see how this sweet cottage comes back from the years of neglect and I know you’ll make her beautiful again.

    Shireen 💙

  4. Melissa Ell says:

    I love your drive for restoration.

  5. Shawn Pugel says:

    I love everything that you do you are amazing and your family is amazing too I look forward every day to what’s happening in your life. sorry I’m voice texting ignore punctuation. With all the medical appointments I have with my son after covid I’m too exhausted to do anything so I’m so thankful for you

  6. Robin Drewes says:

    I think your going to turn it into the cutest cottage . Love the name , too! Excited to watch the progress ❤️

  7. I am going to love watching you and your daddy making this little house beautiful!!! I’m sure Mark will help too!!!❤️

  8. Vicky Cheatham says:

    I think it is going to look amazing!! Love the name! Do all this while your young!! ❤️

  9. Hammack Linda says:

    Love the name.
    Gonna be simply quaint when finished..

    GO 👧

  10. Cathie Lamberto says:

    Excited to see all the rooms come to life, especially the kitchen! Living vicariously through your adventures!

  11. Wendy Rocchietti says:

    I’m so excited to see what all you come up with on this little cottage. Moving the kitchen is a brilliant idea. Wish I was closer so I could see it all in person. Thanks for taking us along on all your adventures and sharing your family with us in IG world. God has truly blessed you and your family, and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us and the little cottage. Cherish your daddy and make the most of your time with him, for we are only here for a short time. I know I thank the Lord every day that my mama is here with us. I lost my daddy in 2001. I miss him every day. Sending love and prayers for your journey ahead. ❤️🙏🏻

    • Brittany Smith says:

      Thank you so much Wendy. I am thankful everyday for such a fun, like-minded community to share all of this with. Any my sweet ol’ Daddy is one of a kind. I’m so sorry for your loss. Truly, I cannot imagine.

  12. Linda Q Clark says:

    I love watching all your different stories. Kinda reminds me of my life back in the day. I’m77 so its been a while, but, me and my Daddy have done quite a lot of adventures together. In my 20’s he helped build pur first home. I sold my motor home fall of 2021. We have slot in common. I’m living thru now and enjoying it.

    • Brittany Smith says:

      That is so awesome, Linda. I’m so thankful you hang around with me here on my little side of the internet.