Beaufort Beach Property

March 25, 2022

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In June of 2020, Mark and I were on an anniversary trip in Beaufort, SC. We were heading over to spend the day at the beach on Hunting Island when we stumbled across a house for sale. Mark and I were not in the market for a house, but I am always stalking homes for sale. I just love to see whats out there. We drove by it and this house was STUNNING. Built in the late 1800’s and I was in love immediately.

After begging Mark to just humor me, I quickly got in touch with a local realtor to tour the inside of home. It was an old caretakers cottage (the plantation home still sits a few hundred yards from it) directly on the water. It needed some updating inside, but had so much potential. We drove back home to Upstate SC, a 3.5 hour trip, talking about this house the entire way. After much consideration, we decided to go for it and make an offer on the house. We called the next day to submit an offer and it was UNDER CONTRACT. Wait, what?! This house had been sitting on the market for over 6 months and it’s under contract the day we make an offer?

2020 Anniversary trip

Maybe this is the one?

Some time goes by and I still look at properties pretty regularly around the Beaufort, SC area. One day I happened to be browsing listings and I found property (without a house) for sale. It’s in the same area that I fell in love with just a year earlier. We jump in the car and head back down to Beaufort for the weekend to check it out. It has potential, but the housing market is insane and super competitive right now. We try to negotiate an offer, but while doing so it goes UNDER CONTRACT. Blerg. Another one bites the dust.

Beaufort Beach Property
The first lot we looked at from the beach in early 2021.

I’m on a mission now

Once we get home, I continue to look because now, I’m on a mission. I notice another piece of property (in the same area) that has been on the market for close to a year. It is way out of our budget and way over priced. I’ve seen it before, but never looked at it in detail because it was out of budget. That weekend, we drove down to Beaufort to get insight on why it was priced so much higher than its comps. Now I know. It has huge white oaks and palm trees steps from the salt water on a private beach. We decide to make our best offer and if it is meant to be, it will happen.

Beaufort Beach Property
Our lot on the water sound

They took the offer!

Almost two years later, we drive past that original caretakers cottage that made us fall in love with the area to get to our new beach property. It is just under an acre lot on a private beach that is always filled with shells and treasures to find. One of my favorite things to do is to walk the beach with the kids to see what we can find. It’s always something new and exciting each time. I still sometimes wish I could have gotten my hands on that caretakers cottage, but whoever got to it before us is doing a great job and I love to drive past it each time we visit. I can’t wait to build again, right on the beach. Until then, we will drive the motorhome there to enjoy it.

Beaufort Beach Property
Beaufort Beach Property

Click here for a video tour of the property and make sure to check out things to do in Beaufort, SC if you’re planning to visit.



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  1. Rebecca Holley Forty says:

    Hey friend!!!
    We will be at Hunting island on Spring break next week 4/1 thru 4/6. At the campground. Another thing we both live in addition to old houses and Beaufort!! I’m so thrilled you found the most perfect spot. It is my dream as well. Have a wonderful time (of course I know you will) Don’t know about you but after 30 years of trips to BFT, on the morning of pack up and leave day I wake up extremely grumpy and stay grumpy until I’m driving back to my happy place, I truly get excited after I pass The Old Shelton Church past Yemassee. We love eating at Beedos and Johnson’s Creek Tavern. I can’t wait!! Y’all have fun!!!
    Rebecca Holley Forty

  2. Rebecca Holley Forty says:

    Hey friend!!!
    We will be at Hunting island on Spring break next week 4/1 thru 4/6. At the campground. Another thing we both live in addition to old houses and Beaufort!! I’m so thrilled you found the most perfect spot. It is my dream as well. Have a wonderful time (of course I know you will) Don’t know about you but after 30 years of trips to BFT, on the morning of pack up and leave day I wake up extremely grumpy and stay grumpy until I’m driving back to my happy place, I truly get excited after I pass The Old Shelton Church past Yemassee. We love eating at Beedos and Johnson’s Creek Tavern. I can’t wait!! Y’all have fun!!!
    Rebecca Holley Forty