The Trap House Renovation

January 18, 2024

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trap house
Trap House Exterior

Ohh The Trap House. My IG feed is full of these beautiful, historic buildings being restored to their former glory and I’m just over here re-doing single wides that were once trap homes. It’s just the kind of content you guys are looking for, I know it! 🤪

What is a Trap House?

Funny you should ask. I’ll save you the Google search. It’s a place where illegal activities take place. Sadly, this particular Trap House was located right next to my sweet Daddy’s home.

These neighbors {who weren’t so neighborly} caused all sorts of headaches and issues. After a while we realized the only way we could get them out was to buy the whole property. {It’s a single-wide in a small town so it’s not like we were buying a brown stone in NYC.} So, we bought it and I’m so glad we did! Having such horrible people live next to my Dad worried me.

Trap House Plans

The plan for this renovated spot is to have long terms renters, who are amazing people! If you recall the Little House I renovated a couple years ago just so happens to be on the other side of the trap house. We have experienced only wonderful renters there so I am confident we can get some sweet people in the Trap House. Clearly, we need to think of a new name before we list it!

Mark and I are a fan of rentals for extra income. While I love my job as a Creator, I’m always trying to create more streams of income as a safety net. You just never know when IG might dry up or shut down 🥴. I mean, it may never dry up. But speaking from more experience than I’d like to have, losing everything is not ever where I want to be again. 

Trap Treasures

If you are on my email, you may recall the lovely bullet hole selfie photo I took! Yep, bullet holes in the house next to my Dad. What was even happening??!! Of course, we came across other fun treasures, like a roach {and not just the bug kind.} And lots of liquor, pill bottles and of course, more bullets. I don’t even want to know what was happening in here. Breathing in all the nastiness while gutting it may even be why I got so sick.

I knew it was a long shot, being a single-wide drug haven and all, but I am always on the lookout for something historically inspiring when I renovate. The only fun thing I did come across was the original 70’s linoleum and would have loved to have kept it it. The flooring was so brittle and damaged under several layers of other flooring so it wasn’t salvageable, but it was a fun moment.

Trap House Original Flooring
Original Flooring in the Trap House

Mobile Home Reno Tips

I knew this would be a big project, but also one I didn’t want to spend a ton of money or time on {like the Carolina Cottage.} My best advice on a project like this: you’ve got to have some really handy and creative “contractors” to retrofit and try to improvise a lot of the issues that will arise.

True Trap House Reno

Most mobile homes are put together with cardboard and staples (I truly wish i was joking, but I am not.) In order to do things nicely and safely, we ripped things out and then went back in with sturdier materials wherever possible.

Repairing a Mobile Home

I find it can be helpful if you have a Mobile Home store nearby because literally everything in a mobile home is different than your standard home. The sizes of windows, doors, rooms, etc. are all different and too expensive for what they are honestly. For example, to replace the mobile home doors with a flat, no panel door from the mobile home store was over $200… for a literal piece of cardboard. And the same went for the weird sized windows.

You all know me. That just wasn’t gonna cut it, so I went on Facebook Marketplace and purchased doors anywhere from $10-$40. Thankfully, my “contractors,” Dad and Uncle Donnie are amazing and were able to retrofit them to the spaces. If you don’t have someone with carpentry skills to “make the impossible” work and get creative, the job is going to be a lot more costly. I am lucky when it comes to help!

Family Help

I get asked this a lot, but I do pay my family. I don’t expect them to do anything for me for nothing. And how I see it is if I can keep it in the family, I’d rather do that anyway.

Trap House Selections

I always aim to infuse a “historically inspired” feeling into renovations, but let’s be honest, this one was a challenge. I did go with a nice neutral paint, Valspar’s Cream in my Coffee” that literally goes with anything. The place was like a dungeon before we added this light color!

Sadly, I wasn’t able to do anything to this home that would add any historic or vintage charm as all of that was stripped and or painted over once we got it. We did add some charm by putting up walls to create cozier spaces and adding chair rail to the main living space.

Flooring & Fixtures

The flooring we chose is the same flooring I used on the Little House. It’s truly the most inexpensive wood plank laminate flooring and holds up well to normal wear and tear. It’s great for rental properties. I usually get it at the discount store, Ollie’s, but this time I found it a few dollars cheaper per box at Lowe’s.

The bathroom flooring was only $20.00 if you can believe it and came from Ollie’s. You can actually get rolls of vinyl sheet flooring very inexpensively there! Also, for the bathroom we were able to get the whole vanity, sink and countertop for just $50.00 on Marketplace! The entire bathroom makeover cost under $150 including new plumbing. Isn’t that wild? 

We also have a local Habitat for Humanity store and I found a lot of the light fixtures there with the exception of ceiling fans (which thankfully were very affordable), outdoor lighting and the bathroom sconces. 

Renovations always amaze me when I look at the Before and After photos and this one was no exception. It’s hard to believe this is even the same house we started with!

Mobile Home Rental Tips

When looking into a Mobile Home for real estate investing, I would always keep in mind that unlike a house, a Mobile Home is going to depreciate in value over time. Generally, these are not wise long term investments. The exception would be that the Mobile Home you are purchasing will not cost you a great deal to renovate and the land it’s sitting on is valuable.

Aside from getting rid of my Dad’s terrible neighbors {which is really the only reason I justified this purchase} I could sell the land the home is sitting on for what I invested in it. All the while, it’s bringing in monthly cash flow {once I get a good renter in there anyway}.

Trap to Treasure?

🤪 Not sure that’s really what I would call this project, but I will say, it looks 10 million times better! I am so beyond thankful we were able to get those neighbors away from my Dad and turn this little house into a home. We removed anything yucky or unsafe and now she’s ready for a renter!

I would love to know what you think of this particular renovation! Have you ever redone a Mobile Home??

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  1. Kosha Clark says:

    This place turned out amazing. I am not surprised since it was you and your sweet daddy doing the project.

  2. Alex Bailey says:

    Brittany, I don’t know how you do it girl!! Creating such a beautiful place from … a disaster, for relatively cheap?! Incredible!!

  3. Shela says:


  4. Tam says:

    This came out great! And your motivation for keeping your daddy safe, is so heartwarming. We have been having such a shortage of supply of housing for low income families that is safe and clean. This is definitely that and more. I am sure your community will appreciate what you have done.

  5. Lesley says:

    Great job!!! I am always amazed at how SOME renters treat a property …so sad!! Thank the Lord your sweet daddy isn’t having to live beside them anymore!!

  6. Jen M says:

    Looks great!!

  7. Dessie says:

    Love you sharing your investment properties. Hope to do this in the next 5 years.

  8. A. Taylor says:

    Y’all killed this, per usual!

  9. LuAnn says:

    I’m amazed at what you can do!

  10. Kristi Price says:

    I have loved watching your renovations. It just shows how you can take anything from a run down cottage or a trailer to something unbelievable. You are an inspiration. I can’t wait to see what you do next.

  11. Jamie Blackburn says:

    If anybody can make a mobile home beautiful, it’s you! What an improvement – and all out of love for your sweet Daddy.

  12. Denise Stephens says:

    Great job buying and improving your dad’s neighborhood. It looks so much better and I’m sure he’s happy the trashy neighbors are gone.

  13. Sherry Riggs says:

    Yes, I pay my family to do work for me. If they won’t take money, I buy them something.

  14. Becky says:

    Love what you did to that home. I say home because it wasn’t one when you got it but man did you make it beautiful. I have never renovated a mobile home but my husband and did build a small cabin boy what job. Market place help with a few things too. Unfortunately we don’t have family near us to help but friends who helped out when they could. What a blessing.

  15. Kismet says:

    I have never temodeled a mobile home nor loved in one but I love the job you did. Your creativity still shines through in your work! Great job, sis.

  16. Jennifer says:

    Love it. You are very talented

  17. Susan says:

    It looks so much better. You and your crew did a great job.

  18. Sandi White says:

    I followed the Trap House renovation. Beautiful transformation!! Especially when you have family support. A win for everyone!

  19. Sandi White says:

    I followed, along with the trap house, renovations. Beautiful!! Especially with family support! A win for everyone!

  20. Ashley says:

    I feel like this gives hope to anyone who can’t afford big renovations and buying those big historical homes. There is such a difference in the before and after and you were really able to showcase that you can get a big change, but save money too! This was great to follow along with and thank you for a transformation that is a little more relative to us folks who can’t afford the big Reno’s.

  21. Anna Marie Bettencourt says:

    Looks great, I’m sure you’ll find great renters, we have rentals and it’s a great investment. Best of luck

  22. Christa Boyer says:

    Just when I think your projects can’t get any better you go and one up yourself 🙂 turned out amazing and I bet you dad will feel so much better getting new nicer neighbors since you get to vet everyone 🙂 👏🏻

  23. Tabitha Clinton says:

    Seriously so darn good! You won’t have any trouble renting it out to great people! The flooring is stunning and that bathroom is adorable! Good job! Also, you are the luckiest girl to have a daddy that loves to help you on all of your crazy adventures!

  24. Karen Pim says:

    Why don’t you call it Hope House? You really needed to have hope when renovating, now you could give a family hope for a better future just by renting it ? It’s a thought.

  25. Krysstyna says:

    Historic or not, you may not realize but you might have helped someone learn what and how to fix/change thier single wide into a better space to live in. Not to mention that we Gal’s are very capable of doing hard thing’s!

  26. Holly says:

    So nice! I love to see before and after of renovated spaces/places. It looks so different and very nice!

  27. Beth Schneider says:

    I don’t know how you made a mobile home look sooooo good but you did! The transformation is remarkable. You should be very proud of yourself.

  28. Krysstyna says:

    I’m sure you do more then just oay family when they help! Your just that kind of family ❣

  29. Erica says:

    Really turned out great!

  30. Debbie says:

    Can’t wait to see it all done.

  31. Jamie Ridge says:

    Love watching all your projects.

  32. Constance Dobson says:

    We are doing renovations now and honestly
    Have counted on family to help. And yes we pay them too but probably not as much as a regular contractor but we also wait until they
    Have time.

  33. Jeanne says:

    The difference in the before and after is amazing! You’ve made it into a welcoming space for a cozy home. We updated our family camper with paint, carpet, new fridge, window treatments. Nothing structural but it felt new.

  34. You are so brave to take in these projects and with the help of family they turn out SO GOOD!!

  35. Debbie says:

    I guess you did finish. Not all would load. It’s beautiful! You do good work.

  36. Dawn Blackburn says:

    Well done!! So thankful you were able to make this home livable for a sweet family! What a blessing!

  37. Angie says:

    Absolutely amazing what you have been able to do with this place!!!

  38. Holly Tuinstra says:

    Such a transformation! So glad you could buy it and now have control of who lives there next to your dad. Love how you were so resourceful with saving money. Thanks for taking us along!

  39. Lisa Gomes says:

    It looks so beautiful💖💖

  40. Mary Campion says:

    This all looks wonderful and am so glad you got to make it a safe place for your dad to live next to, I absolutely agree with paying family and think they are the best people to have working for you as they are always looking out for our best interests,congrats on a another inspiring makeover.❤️

  41. Laura Riley says:

    This is a night and day renovation and looks wonderful! Best wishes to y’all to find great tenants all the while keeping your dad safe. Love to see these transformations of properties. Can’t wait to see what y’all are going to do next.

  42. Di says:

    Very smart!! Love it!

  43. Christine says:

    You clearly have a talent! Kudos to you on another job well done and inspiring others too!

  44. Jennifer says:

    You never cease to amaze me with your renovations! Hands down my favorite to follow!! So, what’s next? 🤔😉

  45. You and your family are amazing. What a beautiful job came out of what could have been ashes.

  46. Tammy says:

    This is an amazing transformation.

  47. Paula says:

    Your vision for janky projects is truly an amazing thing! This house has become a home. Congrats on this accomplishment! I know your daddy is proud too.

  48. Claudette Gilbert says:

    You are just amazing!! It’s absolutely gorgeous 👏👏❤️❤️

  49. Ashlee says:

    You always do a great job! The homes always turn out beautiful!

  50. Erin Francisco says:

    It looks amazing!! So bright and fresh! Great job:) I love watching your renovations.

  51. Wendy Rocchietti says:

    Great Job !! Y’all made it look amazing. So proud of you to be able to do that for your dad’s safety. Rental properties seem to be the go to thing to do these days if you have the money. I love the way it looks now. Very cozy and homey. Way to go 👏👏👏

  52. Rachel says:

    Love this little mobile home you redid and so happy your dad is not living next to unsafe crazy people I would have done the same thing if I was your shoes. The renovation you do gives me ideas on my home and how I can update or redo a room/home on a budget and still have it looking expensive.

  53. Michelle says:

    You did an amazing job with what you had to work with! It’s so fun to watch your creative brain at work!! I’d love to know if the investment on the cottage turning it into an Airbnb is worth it? My husband and I have some extra land that we thought about building a small home on to turn into an Airbnb…

  54. Jama East says:

    It is beautiful as always! Love your content and what you do with the remodels!

  55. Karen Whitman says:

    So well done – clean, stylish and the layout/ colors are very nice. A very nice addition next to your Dad’s property. Not over-dressed and tailored so well for the user/ owner.

  56. Diane says:

    You continue to amaze me! Favorite person on IG. Everything you do is fun to follow along and see the outcome. We all know it will be great! It always is. ❤️

  57. Krista says:

    You worked wonders in this home!

  58. Jane Southwell says:

    Looks great!

  59. Paige says:

    You & your family did such an awesome job on this reno and I’m glad your dad will have new neighbors.

  60. Ali says:

    Another beautiful transformation! The ultimate “janky to swanky” project. Glad your precious Dad will have better neighbors now.

  61. Jessie Klempnauer says:

    Girl! This turned out amazing! You truly have a gift. The before and after are just jaw-dropping 🤩!

  62. Amy Ott says:

    It looks 1000 times better! Yay for your dad who can finally sleep at night prolly!

  63. Diane R says:

    You did an amazing job with this. So glad you now know your sweet dad is going to be safe with better neighbors!! Such a win!!

  64. Heather says:

    I love watching all your projects and seeing how you turn everything beautiful.. I love how you share everything

  65. Madelyne says:

    I think you did an amazing job- rehabbing a blighted house makes a positive impact on a neighborhood! Improving a building is costly but you have a knack for making things beautiful on short $. Good for you and having family working & getting paid is a blessing

  66. Lyndsay McGhee says:

    You did such a great job and I love that you get to work with your dad, too! You’ll have those memories for years to come and that’s so special.

  67. Bailey Bramlett says:

    You give great inspiration!

  68. Toni Nagel says:

    I don’t pay my family to help but I do pay attention to what they might want but don’t have the money for it and I’ll buy it. I bought my son in law a Camp Chef 3 burner for when they go camping and you would of thought I gave them a million dollars. He built a covered porch for me. I am very blessed.

  69. Wendy Early says:

    The trap house looks so cute! Bless your heart for all the hard work you put into your projects. I just love following along on your adventures!

  70. Rhonda Lowery says:

    Brittany!!! You literally took trash to treasure!! You go girl…so talented, on a budget!!! You have a talented family! 😉

  71. Jan says:

    You are amazing. My Dad used to move mobile homes from the factory to the dealerships all over. He always said they were terrible investments. I totally understand your reasoning behind your purchase and I am sure you got a deal in it. You will make your $$ back by renting it. I hope you get good renters.❤️

  72. Carmen Hinton says:

    Great work! So nice having family that works together. Can we be adopted? 😆 thanks for always sharing and inspiring!

  73. Amanda Elton says:

    What a transformation!! I love what you have done here. I pray that you get some renters who will feel right at home in this cozy little place. Great job!

  74. Kim Vickery says:

    Great job!! The fact that you did it mainly for your dad makes it PERFECT! He’s a blessing and you are too!! Blessings to you all as you find great renters.😃

  75. Nancy Scott says:

    So proud of you and your crew! This is amazing! It’s astonishing the difference the light paint and new flooring made. I know there was much more to it than that, the hard work really shows. I always enjoy your projects! Makes me wish I was younger and able to still work at your pace (I’m 66. 😕). Keep it up – can’t wait to follow along on the beach house!❤️

  76. Sharon Reiff says:

    You did amazing! I was definitely on the tear it down team, but I could have known it would all come together in the end

  77. deborah baisley says:

    Love every bit of this. You all did such great work. Thank you for sharing.

  78. Kimberly Lindsey says:

    You did a great job on it!!! Amazing before & after!

  79. Maleri Thompson says:

    I love what you did. Anyone can fix up a huge beautiful house ands make it lovely. But you truly turned a piece of coal into a diamond! Praying your daddy has good neighbors now! And all because you love him! I love that!

  80. Denise Gilbert says:

    I would have never felt comfortable with my family living next to gunfire, so I totally get it. Way to make the best out of a trappy situation!

  81. Angela Kadingo says:

    I think it is absolutely fantastic!!! Well done!!! It was a butterfly transformation!!!!

  82. Julia Mckenzie says:

    I love what you are doing for your neighborhood. I think it’s fantastic to Put on the love and to your town in the surrounding areas way to go.

  83. Bev says:

    Great transformation! We have reno’d two 5th wheel trailers so I feel your pain with cardboard and staples 😅

  84. Anita says:

    You and the team did a fantastic renovation! It doesn’t look anywhere close to what it did look like and I hope you get an excellent renter next door to daddy.

  85. Emily Pettry says:

    You are very talented you can even turn a trap house to glam 😊

  86. leigh green says:

    Your makeovers are fabulous and I love watching them. You and your family do amazing work

  87. Mary says:

    She sure did clean up nice! I’m glad you saved your Daddy from future headaches!! Loved watching this process!!

  88. Rachel Denny says:

    It turned out so good!! It’s so great that yall had the means to buy it to get those people away from your dad. Now you can pick who gets to live there next!

  89. Julie Ferguson says:

    I can’t believe the after photos! I’m so glad you were able to get finished so quickly. It’s a joy to watch your stories and the progress you make in your renovations. The Lord has blessed you and your family!

  90. Debby Elkins says:

    I haven’t done a mobile home but girl you made me a believer and I’m so glad you gave peace back to your dad. Horrible neighbors are the worst.

  91. Debby Elkins says:

    Looks beautiful and so glad those neighbors are away from your dad.

  92. Cass says:

    You’ve done a great job! Never doubted it. Good luck with great renters!

  93. Hope West says:

    I swear you could take a cardboard box and turn it into something charming!! I’m happy for your dad too! I know what it’s like living next to rough neighbors!

  94. Valerie Moore says:

    Love you and your hubbys content! Love getting your emails too. Let me know if you pick me for the prize. ~ ❤️ Val from Montrose Colorado

  95. Lisa Austin says:

    It turned out amazing!

  96. Amy says:

    This was a fun project to watch (from far far away 😉) But seriously all this to keep your sweet dad safe 🥹🫶🏻

  97. Megan Dingus says:

    This is so inspiring though to those of us that live in simple, builder grade houses! Each of your renos prove that a lot can be done with a little effort in a simple space! Keep it up lady!!

  98. Allisha says:

    It looks amazing!

  99. Julie says:

    Just amazing. Although I’m not surprised you were able to turn trash basically into treasure. You are always able to find “treasures” so inexpensively. I wish I were the same and as talented as you. lol Great job!

  100. Lisa Michalewicz says:

    I love following along with your projects!

  101. Samantha McCarty says:

    Awesome job!! You continue to be such an amazing “influencer” and I appreciate your and Marks “realness” every post! Best folks on the “net” daily!

  102. Tiffany Scales says:

    I don’t think there’s anything you can’t do! What a great transformation! And best of all you don’t have to worry about your sweet daddy around those people anymore ❤️

  103. Jennifer McGregor says:

    I think this is awesome! Love your relationship with your dad♥️ I can tell y’all are just good people! Love following you & seeing your adventures♥️♥️

  104. Tammy says:

    Our first house was a mobile home that we bought and renovated. It was an experience (one I do not wish to ever do again!). We bought it not knowing the issues (we were young!). Love the honor you show your daddy! And great job on the trap house!

  105. Emily Jones says:

    Your an watching to see all your projects!!

  106. Vicci says:

    I love that your dad helps you with projects. You are both so talented!

  107. Cristy Orange says:

    Thank you for just being practical! I know nothing about mobile homes but I’m sure someone will appreciate what you have done and have a cute place to live.
    You are encouraging!

  108. Christina Duncan says:

    You are just so practical and I love that! I appreciate you still shop at Goodwill and are so down to earth. Great job on the trap house!

  109. Mary Ann Abrahamson says:

    Looks great such an improvement

  110. Angie Bishop Bishop says:

    Great job! So glad your dad will not have to worry with bad neighbors now.

  111. Lynette Reinford says:

    Such a fascinating project. So glad you cleaned up your dad’s neighborhood AND have made such an improvement on this mobile home.
    We owned one 40+ years ago – 1958 model – with pink kitchen appliances. Oh my. We did SOME fixing – painted walls , even the kitchen appliances. Made it our own. We were poor college newlyweds. Sold it 2 years later.

  112. Gracious, this mobile home looks so much better. You, your dad and Uncle Donnie did a fabulous job of making it decent again. Congratulations!

  113. Michelle Grice says:

    Looks great I did wallpaper my mom’s mobile home a whole lot of years ago.

  114. Rebecca Gusek says:

    Thanks for sharing your reno of a mobile home. It’s completely different than a house that’s for sure. Turned out beautiful! I love following you because you’re my kinda gal. Keepin it real 😎 that’s how we do it in the south!