My Easter Faith Story

March 30, 2023

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Easter Faith Story
Wedding Day (with a little bump 🙂

My Faith: Things Weren’t Always This Way

With Easter approaching, my faith is prominently on the forefront of my mind. I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way around this time of year. I know many of you have come to Thorn Cove Abode via our recent Carolina Cottage Reno or several of our past projects (and possibly from our ridiculous antics 😉 I wanted to share a little more “behind the scenes” of our story and my journey of faith.

For a majority of my life I thought Christianity was all a bunch of brainwashed nonsense. I didn’t grow up going to church. Sure, I visited on big holidays from time to time like most people, but it was just something I did out of obligation or ritual. I could probably even count the times I had even entered a church on one hand growing up. As I reflect, I see I was honestly living a very selfish life without much thought about the havoc and hurt I was causing the people around me.

Jackson Changed Everything

Fast forward to November of 2010. Mark and I were engaged after five years of dating and were busy making wedding preparations. By January 2011, I had a dress ordered, venue confirmed and almost all of the details worked out for the wedding. Then on February 14, 2011, Mark and I found out we were expecting a baby.

We were happy, but shocked as it certainly something we weren’t planning on so soon. Since we weren’t “church goers” we didn’t really know any pastors and still needed someone to officiate our wedding. We started calling around and honestly some refused to marry us because we were pregnant “out of wedlock” or we just weren’t doing it the way they recommended. For one reason or another, we couldn’t find anyone willing to officiate our wedding. 

Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound

A couple months passed and I found myself sitting under an oak tree, belly swollen, by our family pond when this little red car came pulling down the long gravel drive. As the driver gets out he tells me he’s just a family friend dropping in to visit. He wasn’t anyone I had ever met. He explained he was there to see another family member that was also at the pond. But, we started chatting and we end up discussing my issue with finding someone to officiate our wedding.

The Lord would have it that this sweet man was a Pastor from a church right up the road, Graham Chapel. We talked a bit longer, he gave me his number and said he’d be happy to talk to Mark and I. I went home so hopeful that I may have found someone to officiate our wedding and excitedly told Mark all about it.

My Easter Faith Story
Jackson and I at the pond that changed it all

We immediately called the Pastor together and a week later we started his recommended Premarital Counseling. I cannot put into words how this Pastor poured absolute LOVE and LIFE into Mark and I. I’ll never forget the way he treated us with such much grace after so many others had turned us away.

On June 18th 2011, Pastor Edmonds officiated Mark and I’s wedding and a short four months later Jackson was born. Mark and I have continued to attend Graham Chapel after our wedding and Pastor Edmonds (who has now retired) and the people there continue to pour into us.

How Our Faith Journey Looks Today

On November of 2012 I made the decision to be water baptized in a public declaration of my faith. Mark rededicated his life with me on that same day. Fast forward to the present, Mark plays drums for the church’s worship team, serves on their security team and I volunteer in the children’s ministry regularly.

If I am being transparent, my faith and love for God didn’t happen overnight. It actually took me many years and I am still learning everyday. While I could never be thankful enough that salvation is free, I know my walk with Him is lifelong. I am grateful Christ loves me so much and He is always working on my heart (Lord knows I need it!)

I’ve said many times that Jackson saved me, but really Jesus saved me. He used an unplanned pregnancy to lead me to Him. Now I have a better life than I could have ever imagined because I lean on Jesus and not my own self anymore.

Easter Faith
Me being Baptized

The Real Easter Story

Over 2,000 years ago Jesus willingly took our place on the cross. He lived a sinless life, but chose to bear the punishment that my sin deserves. If you have a hard time believing or if your heart was hardened to Him like mine was, start small. Few people just wake up one day and have faith.

Faith will grow, but like all things, it needs to be nurtured. Read your Bible and ask God to reveal truth to you through His word and the Holy Spirit. If you’re struggling, acknowledge it and just tell God (He already knows after all.) Find a trusted friend or Pastor you can talk to and share your journey with. You need someone to hold you accountable and encourage you. This is still a struggle for me. I admit now I am a prideful person. I’ve become better time but admitting I need help or struggling is something that does not come easy for me. {Mark is shaking his head yes in agreement, lol.}

If you are the least bit curious or you are working to return to your faith, stay open. I’ve learned to trust God’s truth and goodness through experiencing more of Him in my life. Don’t be discouraged or compare your journey, just press on.

I truly believe you are “God’s Masterpiece” and He made you on purpose, for a purpose. We all work together as a whole. The world needs you. 

A Life Forever Changed

The weeks leading up to our wedding are some of my most treasured memories. I even still have some of the worksheets Mark and I worked on together all those years ago. Pastor Edmonds was pivotal in changing our lives forever {If you’re reading this Pastor: Thank you!} I believe with my whole heart that day was ordained by God and I am where I am in my faith and life today because of it.

While Easter time brings fun egg hunts, sweet bunny visits and pretty pastel colored outfits for me, it is has come to mean so much more. During this season, I often reflect on how our relationship with God deepens and grows over time, as seen in my own life. I’m so thankful I walk with Jesus now, because I would be a really selfish momma and wife without Him!

If you need to refresh your memory on the Easter story, I love reading it from this book. The book presents the whole Bible in chronological order and in a text that is easily read and understood. I can’t read it without being brought to tears. Another book that is great for kids and families is The Jesus Storybook.

I hope you are able to spend some time this year with your family or just on your own asking and seeking. I truly believe if you seek Him, you will find Him! Happy Easter!

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  1. Angela Dixon says:

    Beautiful testimony Brittany! 💕

  2. Donna Edmonds says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. God is faithful! Pres and I love you and your family.

  3. Marcie King says:

    Thank you. I needed this! God is so Good, all the time! Happy Easter! ❤️

  4. Jan Wilder says:

    Brittany, I love your story. Yes, God does his works in mysterious ways. I wish I could give you a great big hug.
    I truly love you!
    Faithful follower,
    Jan Wilder, aka “ourlilserenity”

  5. Anna Barton says:

    So beautiful! I cannot and would not want to imagine my life without God! There’s no feeling quiet like it. I know not to fear the chapters in my life because I know that He is the author!!! Much love to you and your beautiful family 🌷

  6. What a beautiful testimony! So thankful for the sweet pastor that showed Gods love to you and Mark. Thank you for sharing your heart, what an encouragement and gift. Praying it will be used in the lives that read it.
    Blessings to you and your family as you celebrate Easter and remember the real reason we celebrate it.

  7. Sandy Amos says:

    What a beautiful testimony. May God continue to bless and keep you in his loving care.

  8. Samantha M. says:

    My story is very similar to yours. We got engaged, then unexpectedly pregnant shortly after. As soon as I got pregnant I felt something telling me to go to church so I did for the very first time at the age of 20. Had my son in 2011 as well and have always said he saved me too, but I agree Jesus saved us and he knew by putting those baby boys in our lives that would do the trick 😊 Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your story.

  9. Daphne Kallechy says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. It is truly inspiring to read how God changed your heart through this pastor officiating your wedding and pouring Christ’s love into you. God bless you as you continue to share what God has done in your life with others through this platform. ♥️

  10. Rita Belcher says:

    Brittany, this is such a sweet account of your faith. This is such a good reminder how God directs people into our lives at just the right moments. You encourage this old woman that remembers you in elementary school. I pray continued blessings on you and your sweet little family as you follow God and serve Him daily. You are an inspiration to many.

  11. Saundra says:

    What a beautiful testimony , it brought me to tears! Thank you for sharing ! When we are just honest the Holy Spirit can use our words to touch others lives ! May God continue to bless you and your family!

  12. Rachel says:

    Thank you for sharing! God is good!

  13. Janet says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this. I’ve always believed, but my faith has grown so much this last year. We’ve had a number of trials but so much good has come from them.
    I love hearing others’ stories. It helps me reaffirm my faith as the Holy Spirit speaks through them. Your story really touched me. I rejoice with you!!! I’m so happy for you and
    your family.

  14. Kaitlyn Cauley says:

    Such a beautiful example of how the Lord works in mysterious ways. Thank you so much sharing your story 💕

  15. Kim Fulkerson says:

    Goodness, I needed this … you must’ve heard me pray last night! Thank you for sharing. ✝️

  16. Janet says:

    Thanks for sharing your story. It’s beautiful. I’ve always believed, but my faith has grown so much this year. We’ve faced a number of trials but so much good has come from them. I love hearing about other people’s journeys. The Holy Spirit speaks through them and my faith is strengthened. I truly felt your love for God. I’m so happy for you and your family!

  17. Amy says:

    That’s a beautiful testimony of Christ! Thank you for sharing.

  18. Connie Chapman says:

    Thank you for sharing. I needed to read this today. ❤️❤️❤️

  19. Rebecca Monrie says:

    Oh Brittany isn’t it wonderful we serve a risen Savior who loved us enough to give up his life to give us an everlasting life with him. Definitely makes me weep. So happy you and your family have this special relationship with our Lord Jesus✝️

  20. Karen says:

    God bless you, honey! I’m so proud of you. While we will likely never meet in person I want you to know that you and Mark give me hope for the youth of our country. Please continue to share your family love with your followers-continue to lead by example ♥️ Happy Easter 🐣

  21. Dana says:

    What a wonderful story, there’s nothing like having Jesus in your heart and life. Thanks for sharing. Bless you and your family! (Have to say I love your IG account 🙂)

  22. Diane McCarthy says:

    I love and respect you the “more I get to know you”. Praise Jesus for a non-judgmental pastor.
    Thank you for always being transparent, but I so appreciate you sharing the gospel and how Jesus changes lives. Happy Easter to you and your wonderful family! Jesus Saves!

  23. Bobbye says:

    That was so beautiful and I so believe you. It takes courage to be bold for Christ and the world needs so much more people like you. Have a blessed day 🫶🏻🙏🏻

  24. Alicia Mort says:

    Absolutely beautiful! God is so good! He has a plan in are lives in all the smallest of details. May the Lord continue to bless your family!

  25. Phyllis says:

    Truly loved your story and yes I think I struggle sometimes myself with just things in life. I pray and have given it all up to the Lord that he will shine a light on my son and help him through his struggles with his addiction of alcohol. He has been in rehab for year and half now and I go to see him every Sunday for church. He was finally baptized in December and has given his life to the Lord which I had prayed for a long time. No one knows the struggles that others around us are facing and what all we have been through in our lives. Just wanted to thank you for your life story and journey you have been on as well. Just wanted you to know a little bit about my life as well. I want to wish you and your family a happy Easter.
    Thanks again for this Easter letter

  26. Ashley Goodlett says:

    Omg. Such an amazing story. Tears of joy!!!!!

  27. Darla yereance says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I’m crying now. May god bless you for coming on this platform and being so sweet and welcoming. I love watching your stories you make me laugh and cry in a good way. Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family. Xoxo Darla

  28. Julie Leon says:

    Beautiful Story❤️
    Unplanned pregnancy brought me to my faith also! God is so good;)

  29. Ashelynn says:

    Oh, I love this so much! God is amazing.

  30. says:

    Gosh this is so beautiful! I love how Jesus is such a gentleman and does it so softly but we know it is him coming to love us and help us. He uses people to bring us close to him! Love your story!

  31. Lynnette VanCleave says:

    Brittany what a neat story, thank you for sharing! I love how God works, your story has touched me! My husband has been a pastor and no longer standing behind a pulpit, but is still doing Gods work, he still preforms marriages and some funerals, this is a reminder that we always need to show grace, you never know who’s life it could change!! God bless you and your family!

  32. Lauren says:

    I absolutely agree that day was ordained by God. How sweet He is to seek us out. Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony and the goodness of God.

  33. April P. says:

    You’ve got me in tears! I definitely needed to read this today. Such a beautiful testimony! Thank you for sharing with us ❤️

  34. Dawn Beaver says:

    I have tears in my eyes after reading this. God is so good. I pray that God uses your story to reach many others for Him. Your words are clear and eloquent and point to the Lord in all things…Holy Spirit inspired. Enjoy your time with family.

  35. Maegan York says:

    God is good! ✝️

  36. Tricia Dougan says:

    Jesus used Jackson to bring you home. I am crying while I write this because he is so good. Thank you for sharing your story. We are all a work in progress when it comes to faith. May God always bless you and your beautiful family! 🙏

  37. Kerri Bell says:

    Beautiful testimony ! Thank you for sharing! 💜💜

  38. Robin Drewes says:

    Thanks for sharing your testimony and your heart . Your a beautiful person and you have a lovely family, that God has blessed you with . Have a lovely Easter ❤️

  39. Kristy Gaston says:

    God Bless🤍

  40. Phyllis Miller says:

    A beautiful story of your heart and our Jesus. I’ve been in the Christian world my whole life and have seen so many Christians not acting like Jesus would want them too. Breaks my heart! So glad this sweet man helped you find Jesus. I’m so thankful your raising your children to love the Lord. That’s something you will never regret. We should be so thankful to God for sending His son to die for us that are so unworthy. Thank you again!

  41. Nancy Savory says:

    Thank you Brittany. That is a beautiful testimony. ❤️

  42. Kristi says:

    The best post to ever be written. I am honored to call you a sister in Christ. May He continue to bless your family.

  43. Rebecca says:

    I don’t think I could love this any more than I do!!!! We serve a loving & just God!! Thank you so much for sharing your story with a Jesus-needing world!!
    (Side note: I feel we’re practically neighbors! I’m over in Anderson County & my DIL has a practice in Spartanburg!)

  44. Jenifer Hanson says:

    Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Great remindee to keep learning more about Jesus. Reflecting on his goodness 😍

  45. Brandy Blackwelder says:

    Hey Brittany, you have an absolutely beautiful testimony!! Thank you for sharing Jesus and your love for Him and your heart to so many! You are truly impacting so many using your platform to share Jesus! I have followed you on instagram for years and love following you and your sweet family!! Happy Easter and God bless you and your family 🙏🏼❤️🙌🏼

  46. Nicole says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. It wasn’t until I was in my 20s that I became a Christian and was baptized. My husband inviting me to church when we were dating and his family are who led me to the Lord. I’m so thankful for Christian in-laws! I did not grow up going to church either except for just a few times with my grandmother and my best friend when I would stay the night with her.
    I enjoy following you on Instagram and look forward to your stories every day! You are an inspiration to many! Enjoy your break!
    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  47. Faith Hanson says:

    This is beautiful to me! It’s such a touching testimony and a reminder of Jesus’ love for us. This is truly what it means to be Christ like. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony and the reminder to be loving & not judging others.

  48. Julie Curtis says:

    Beautiful testimony!

  49. kismet says:

    Thank you,. Brittany. Your story touched me. I was a pregnant teenaged bride when we married on Easter Sunday in 1974. We are still married and have 12 grandchildren. The Lord does indeed work in our hearts in unexpected ways. I am so happy you left yours open to Him. Thank you for sharing your story. Happy Easter.

  50. Phoebe Pereda says:

    All praise and glory to the only worthy One! I love to hear the testimonies of the Saints. Truly nothing speaks more to God’s power, forgiveness, mercy, sovereignty, really his full character, then the life of a forgiven sinner made saint. Everything around us, and within us hates him, and rebels against his authority, and yet even still he is able to take a hard heart, and make it one of flesh who now loves him and desires to obey. He alone completely transforms a life. I never cease to be in awe of who he is. Thank you for sharing. God’s story of saving you! Blessed my heart. The road to his work of salvation in my life has some similarities to yours yet also, of course, differences. But it reminds me of how personally he walks each of us to salvation and at the same time he can connect our hearts through a deeper understanding because of the similarities we share.

  51. Emily304 says:

    Love this. Thank you for sharing. All the other “pastors” that passed you by are like the Pharisees. They missed an opportunity to serve God by serving you. Pastor Edmonds was the Good Samaritan (Jesus) in your life. What a beautiful show of love he displayed towards two kids needing help. I’m very inspired by your faith and by the love you and Mark share. I’ll admit I’m sometimes envious of it. Lol

  52. Vicki says:

    Thank you for being transparent and sharing your story. It is a joy to hear how Gods redeeming love changed your life! You are a delight to follow on insta .

  53. Jackie says:

    Beautiful testimony Brittany, May God continue to bless and keep you all in all your ways🙏
    Love you and your family thank you for sharing.

  54. Kerrie Richard says:

    What an awesome testimony! Pastor Edmonds sounds like a true man of God. I believe you were led to share your story for a reason. Someone needed to hear this to make that first step towards salvation. Thank you for sharing your story, your faith, your family, your crazy antics, and your beautiful home.

  55. Jackie says:

    Beautiful testimony Brittany, May God continue to bless and keep you all in all your ways🙏
    Love you and your family thank you for sharing.
    Happy Easter⛪️

  56. Kathy Martin says:

    This story brought me to tears! I’m so sorry you had such trouble finding a pastor to marry you. At one time I was in a church like that. Seems like they would want to disciple you and marry you. So thankful that God brought this sweet pastor into your lives! God was pursuing you!❤️

  57. Kalli Williamson says:

    I love this Brittany! Thank you so much for sharing! The ‘stay open’ was my take away as I am currently struggling to ask for help.

  58. Cindy Hancock says:

    Brittany, I love this so much! I’ve followed you for many years now, and I have truly seen how God has worked in your life! Thank you for sharing so honestly your heart. We need more honesty in this world. I pray God richly bless you and your family this Resurrection season. Without Jesus, we are nothing. Love in Christ, Cindy~💜

  59. Shela says:

    God is good! Thanks for sharing. Your story just might help someone else. Have a great Easter! ❤️

  60. Laurel Welsh says:

    Such an amazing testimony. Thank you for sharing.

  61. Stephanie Houston says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story and a clear gospel message.
    Sending love and hugs from Ontario, Canada
    Hope to some day share a coffee with you💞
    Blessings, Stephanie

  62. Debbie Scott says:

    I love that you are sharing your testimony. We all have a story to tell in some way. You never know whose heart you may reach. God bless and Happy Easter.🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

  63. Dawn Jackson says:

    What sticks out so much is the love the Pastor shared with you ! He showed Jesus love to you. So many Christians seem to be judgmental of others (not agreeing to marrying you ) and yet by showing God’s love to you brought you to God. It is an example for all of us. Thank you for sharing your story.

  64. Helen Veit says:

    Praise Jesus for your testimony. The courage to share your past is sometimes hard to find, you did. May God continue to pour his blessings upon you!

  65. What a wonderful testimony! Welcome sister to our family in Christ. Have a blessed time with your family.

  66. Sandra White says:

    Beautiful testimony Britney! Our amazing God always reaching out to us through the Holy Spirit. May we all be open and remember we are one body in Christ.

    Happy Easter!

  67. Sandy odea says:

    Thank you, I really needed these words today. God Bless you and your family.

  68. Melissa st pierre says:

    Thank you for sharing. I would love to have your faith and am working on it . Recently lost my nephew , who was like a son to us, to a sudden and unexpected suicide . Odd as it sounds, I have prayed more this month while crying and questioning. Still trusting God to lead us through it.
    I appreciate your being so open. It really helps❤️

  69. Katye Mutter says:

    What a beautiful story!! What a blessing! It never ceases to amaze me at how God works, and how he puts people in our lives❤️❤️❤️❤️

  70. Linda Corder says:

    Lovely 😊 Thank you for sharing Brittany, it was from the heart. Have a lovely Easter with your family xx

  71. Cindy says:

    What a beautiful testimony. God is good! ❤️

  72. Angie Black says:

    Brittany thank you for blessing us with your testimony! I love how God met your need with the right Pastor whom He knew would shower you with Love from Him! Such a sweet reminder of His Goodness!! I’m so thankful you and your family love the Lord and continue to point people to Him!!

  73. Such a beautiful testimony…. Thanks so much for sharing. Hope yal have a blessed and happy Easter 💗

  74. Samantha Turnbull says:

    Thank you for sharing, a wonderful read. Have followed you for years now and love your faith, your projects, your fam, and especially your antics! 😉

  75. Wendy Rogers says:

    Morning Brittany … thank you for sharing your story … I’ve never messaged anyone but after reading your testimony I thought maybe this is the start of my new story . My 22 year old daughter died in a car accident 10 min from home …6 years ago … I have lost my faith somewhat I never knew why god would have taken such a sweet soul 💔 I am broken .
    After reading your story , I just order your book recommendation and thought today is the day I start opening my heart … let’s start my journey thank you ❤️

    • Wendy, I am so incredibly sorry to hear this. I hope to never know this kind of pain and I am so sorry that you have. I will be praying for you. Today and in the days to come. You reach out anytime you need.

  76. Laurie says:

    I just cried like a baby reading this. Thank you so much for sharing this personal journey. Things like this always appear when I need them the most, and I really needed this today! I know we are told not to fear but fear has had a tight grip on me lately. As parents of a special needs child who will never be able to live on her own, both my husband and I live In mostly unspoken fear every day of what will happen when we are gone. Recently I feel like I’m hanging on by a thread. Please bring back more Christian content, please? This lonely mother needs all she can get.

  77. Lisa Tolson says:

    What a beautiful testimony! Thank you for sharing! So so encouraging for me in my struggle to not feel so dry and empty! Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness in the hard seasons! Thank you Jesus for testimonials like this, just when it’s needed most! Happy Easter 💖

  78. Phyllis Williams says:

    I’ve never heard your story, what a blessing to get too now. I see Jesus in you everyday and that’s not easy for any of us. I can see how God blesses your hard work and sharing with others. You never lie to recommend or sell us things and I respect that. So many on social media are just in it for the money or a selfish motive; but those that follow you know the difference because of your honesty and truth ; just like Jesus did; those that followed Him did because they knew He was real. Thank you for your honesty and always being HIS reflection.🙌🙏💕

  79. Tara @blooming_acre says:

    I love this and your story! thanks for the reminder to nurture that relationship! I definitely need to do better with that.

  80. Regina Jennings says:

    Love this so much! I love everything you do but I think this is my fav. Thanks for sharing. ♥️

  81. Ginger Lowery says:

    Brittany, I have followed you for a long time and was pretty familiar with your story, but this post is a beautiful testimony to so many. I am so glad that God sent that Pastor so many years ago. God bless you, your family, and your walk with Him. 💕

  82. Michell mays says:

    This has absolutely brought me to tears. Thank you for being a person that is brave and will share Jesus in this time we live in. This is exactly why I love to follow you. My daughter follows you too. We love your style but your love for Jesus is the icing on the cake. Isn’t it wonderful how Jesus will seek us out. I may never meet you here on earth but one day in heaven maybe me and my daughter can sit by the crystal river with you and have a fun talk! I hate to break it to you , but I don’t think there will be any Halloween decor up there haha

  83. Courtney says:

    Beautiful testimony. I hope it reaches someone in the best way. I empathize with you becoming a wife and mother at the same time. I have often said my oldest “saved” me also, but yes, Jesus is the one true savior. Children are at the tip top of blessings for sure. God has been so good to us and I am forever grateful. I have enjoyed following your page. Now just give me your energy level!

  84. Melissa says:

    You are a remarkable woman and your story of faith if a light to so many. I was saved at 7 and even though I was a believer I made bad choices that ended in my greatest blessing. My son is the best gift God has blessed me with. God is good all the time. Even when the answers to our prayers are not yet, wait or even no. Happy Easter sister!!

  85. Kristin Montgomery says:

    This was beautiful!! It reminded me so much of my own story! I also had a 5 month baby bump on my wedding day! And our little boy helped mold that change toward a relationship with Jesus! Thank you for sharing!

  86. Kathy Pearsey says:

    Just makes me so happy to hear this about you! Praying that your openness will reach others and bring them to Jesus. I love the Jesus Storybook Bible so much! The truth is for everyone, and this book explains it so well for children, as well as adults. My first one was given to me as a hostess gift by my BSF teaching leader. I hope you have a great Easter break with your family! I love seeing all you are doing!

  87. Susan Brondyke says:

    Reading this brought me to tears. I was raised going to church and going to a Christian school so I always knew God and believed what I was told. I love hearing how God works in hearts that really didn’t believe but now love and serve Him. It is so amazing to me and makes me so thankful for the love of a God who forgives and blesses constantly. I’m happy you found Him.

  88. Kim Kimbrough says:

    What a beautiful testimony! Thanks for sharing your experience and heart!❤️

  89. B Knox says:

    God’s always in the details and he shows up in his time. I too was 5 months pregnant with our oldest when we got married…that baby saved us both as we were on a dark path in our early 20s even after both growing up in the church. We have added another son and will be married 24yrs this June. It hasn’t always been easy but God’s grace is always there. He has blessed us and I’m so thankful for his good timing. Thank you for sharing your testimony.

  90. Barbara Armacost says:

    Going through life I have faith in the Lord that he will get me through the rough times and I have complete faith in that. When I have doubts about something I believe that is the Devil putting them in my head to weaken my faith and I know the Lord will get me through it and push the Devil out. Thank you for this post!!

  91. Lori says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story!!! What an incredible testimony of a Pastor being Jesus to someone God placed in His path!! I love all that you & Mark share. Thank you!

  92. Lisa N says:

    I love to hear stories of how couples met, ever since I was a little girl, and I love to hear testimonies from people of how they came to know Jesus. ❤️ Thanks for sharing yours!

  93. Melody Droppa says:

    What a wonderful testimony of salvation and how grace and mercy can change lives! Thank you so much for sharing this, I know it isn’t always easy to do so. 💕

  94. Phyllis Harmon says:

    Absolutely beautiful. 🙌🏼❤️

  95. Kaziah says:

    Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your testimony. May the Lord use your story to draw other women to Himself!

  96. Eursla Marsh says:

    This is truly a privilege to read. Thank you for sharing. May God continue to bless and hold your family close.

  97. Donna says:

    I love your story! He uses the least of us to draw others toward Him (Jesus). I too am one of those sinners who has been saved by His Grace! Thank you Jesus! And thank you Brittany for sharing!!

  98. Tina Peiffer says:

    Beautiful. Tears… oh my. You guys are special

  99. Lisa says:

    You two are the eloquent manifestation of faith and miracles in action. God bless you, in His name.

  100. Susie says:

    Thank you for sharing your testimony, it was truly beautiful. May you and your precious family continue to grow in your faith. Peace be with you.

  101. Lori Wagner says:

    I just found you as I’m in a hotel in Jerusalem. Visiting the Holy Land for the first time. What an amazing testimony of an amazing God! Hallelujah!

  102. Kay Metcalf says:

    Oh how I love testimonies like yours…a beautiful testimony of God’s grace and faithfulness. He truly finds us right where we are, rescues us and redeems us, exchanging our sin for his righteousness!!
    May God continue to reveal his love to you and use you to draw others to Him. 💟✝️💟
    May you and your family have a blessed Easter as we all rejoice together in praise and honor to our King!!

  103. Phyllis Arth says:

    Thank you for sharing your testimony. It doesn’t matter how it happened or when, all that matters is that you now know Him and believe in Him. God bless you and your beautiful family. I hope someone reading your story will be saved. Each your time away, can’t wait to hear all about it!! Happy Easter., all glory be to a Risen Savior!!

  104. Deborah Lowe says:

    Just so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. God Bless ♥️🙏♥️

  105. Connie Watt says:

    What a Beautiful Testimony of Faith, Love and Trust in our Heavenly Father. I’m close to 60… we’ll actually a little over 1 year away… but I never tire of ones Testimony when one finds that everlasting joy of living daily for our Lord and Savior. Thank you for sharing and enjoy your week with your family and loved ones.

  106. Catherine says:

    I absolutely loved reading this. I wish I could be closer to the Lord but my husband is against it. I am thankful that your story gives me hope.

  107. Karin Penn says:

    God is always on time, (even if we’re too early or too late). I love the way He wove the story of your salvation into the Easter season. Thank you for sharing it. 🤍

  108. Debbie says:

    Absolutely beautiful. Wow. How love, compassion & grace made all the difference for both of you. What a sweet blessing this Pastor extended your way so as to lead you to faith in Christ. Thank you for sharing.

  109. Sina says:

    Beautiful testimony Brittany !! When you find him and seek him your life is forever changed ❤️

  110. CJ Forward says:

    What is the book you love reading that puts everything in chronological order?

  111. Christine Perry says:

    Thank you for sharing this from the heart. Unfortunately so many “Christians” forget to love like Jesus FIRST. I’m so glad you found someone who did! Many prayers for your family as you continue to follow HIS will

  112. carrie Williams says:

    What a beautiful testimony to a glorious God and to everyone who reads it. Thank you for your willingness to be open and transparent.

  113. Cynthia Pond says:

    Thank you for sharing your faith journey, it is beautiful and God gets all the glory! You are a sweet person and I love following you

  114. Kimberly Smith Taylor says:

    Such a precious story of God’s redemptive love! I am proud of you, Brittany! Your faith journey and sharing your testimony are both proof of the work the Lord has done in your life! Many blessings and ENJOY your well-deserved Spring Break! 🙂

  115. Diane Beasley says:

    God bless you, Brittany and your sweet family. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. That pastor was acting just like Jesus would have. Not judging but showing you love. Thank you for witnessing to us. Have a blessed Easter.

  116. Billie Brainard says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. This too could change someone else’s walk with God who reads it. I feel Blessed to know you through IG and love your story and your little sweet family.

  117. Krysstyna says:

    Thank you for sharing this!
    God work’s in mysterious ways!!
    I’ve always had a hard time understanding the Bible but that never changed my faith. I KNOW God is the the one, the true savior ❣
    I’m going to order and read the book you recommend and finally be able to understand.
    Have blessed Easter with your family.

  118. Vicki says:

    Such a sweet, sweet, story! Thank you for sharing your story and Jesus’ story. I’m sure you have encouraged thousands!

  119. Sandra Cosby says:

    What a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing. It brings hope for us that are praying for young adults we’d love to come to Christ. Enjoy following you. God bless and enjoy your family time.

  120. What a beautiful Easter Story. FindingGod, loving God, and faith in God is the way we need to live our life. It took me a long time to do that in my life but I did and I am a blessed woman. God continue to bless your family

  121. Teresa says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. I enjoyed your posts before but now appreciate knowing there’s more at work than what’s seen in the pictures. ❤️

  122. Cathie says:

    What a beautiful and inspiring story! We need more young people like you to speak up and spread the word. Thank you! Cathie

  123. Gail C Sherron says:

    Wow, I’m sitting here reading your story with big tears in my eyes. You and Mark have such a sweet story. His truly has blessed you and your family.

  124. Shannon Hardwick says:

    I am so happy I found your account on IG! You are REAL and I absolutely love that about you! Plus you are a Carolina Girl (that’s good people for sure)! I know- I’m one too 🙂 Thank you for your testimony and your willingness to share our Jesus with others! You are changing so many lives for good! Keep up the good work- I love watching your stories, reels, and seeing the amazing work you are doing.

  125. Deb says:

    Beautiful story Brittany!

  126. Sharon Ezell says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. It is a beautiful one. God is so good!

  127. Patti says:

    What a beautiful testimony. Thanking God that the pastor did not judge you but instead decided to witness to the two of you. I started following you because you always made me laugh but I also knew that there was a lot more to your story. I have grown children who have also chosen to walk with God. Thank you for sharing this story and so much of your life with

  128. Loretta DeSpain says:


  129. Oh Wow! I enjoy your Humor, watching your projects and your relationship with your husband. This was the Icing on the Cake, what a Beautiful Testimony!!! Thank You for sharing!
    God’s continued Blessings upon you and your family!!

  130. Sharon C Dodson says:

    Your story doesn’t fall far from the tree…I had a little boy who was two, and was in love and ready to get married, and I wanted to be married in a church. But, my sweet Momma and I couldn’t find anyone to married us, cause I had a little boy and he had been married before. So my sweet Momma made my wedding day the best day ever and stood with us as my witness at the courthouse as we got married and then gave me the most Beautifullest reception. Memories are the best… I don’t have my Momma no more…45 years later we’re still married. See, it doesn’t matter where you get married at.

  131. Betsy says:

    Thank you for being so transparent. I agree that God had an appointed time for you to meet this pastor. He is a loving Father, and your story just reminds us of that. Bless you for what you do to glorify His name and purposes. I so enjoy following you and learning how God is working in your life and your family. Keep it up. People need to hear what you have to say – full of grace and truth.

  132. Martha Ann Kean says:

    Such a beautiful love story, Brittany ! Thank you for sharing. It brought tears to my eyes.
    Yes , a miracle did take place that day under the oak tree. God continue to bless you and your precious family.
    He is risen indeed !

  133. Mary Nell says:

    What a wonderful, loving testimony; God is so so good!! Your story makes me love following you and your family even more!! May you continue to be a light for Jesus through your testimony and how you live your life. God Bkess.

  134. Connie C says:

    Brittany, I loved reading your story! It is beautiful & powerful. Thank you for sharing!

  135. Rhonda Stein says:

    I’m 63 years old and read the Bible from front to back for the first time 2 years ago. I grew up like you. Going to church out of obligation and didn’t know what was going on.
    I’ve also been listening to The Bema Discipleship podcast. WOW is this an educational explanation of each book. There are 4 years of episodes to listen to. I’m on the 3rd year.
    Wish my family would come onboard and join me. I’ll keep working on them.

  136. Janie Walkwitz says:

    Thank you so much for sharing, for being so real. You made my day, week, month, etc..🌷God is good!!!

  137. Nichole McCullors says:

    Brittany! We share such a similar story! It’s so neat to find someone who lived what we lived and found Jesus the same way! Our baby girl was a true light in our lives from God and
    still is 💕

  138. Rachel says:

    Awesome testimony !! Thank you for sharing- this is so many people out there- you don’t just wake up having Faith…❤️and your journey encourages others going through the same ! God bless you and your family 🙂

  139. Jen Chacon says:

    Love your Jesus story! Thanks so much for sharing!